Infrastructure with DotNet Core 3.0

In a previous two-part blog series I wrote about building a home automation recipe and automating its deployment with a Pulumi app. That was written in TypeScript. Now that Pulumi supports DotNet Core 3.0 with Pulumi CLI 1.5.0+, I ported over the infrastructure to C# as well, and added it as a C# project to my existing Solution.

A C# app and a C# infrastructure app. Nice. It was worth the wait.

What do you think would have happened when I ran pulumi up in the C# version of the same infrastructure? You wouldn’t expect any changes since the infrastructure wasn’t changed — just the language that it was written in, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened (or didn’t happen, depending on how you look at it.) Nothing changed when I ran a pulumi preview after I completed porting over the application.

That, my friends, is the power of programming languages…and proper infrastructure as code.

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